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每个女人心中都有两个巴黎梦,一个在香榭丽舍大街,另一个就在琳琅满目的甜点橱窗前。五彩斑斓的甜点配上法式时尚与浪漫,仿佛置身于埃菲尔铁塔的塔尖儿,随时可以旋转起舞。在法国,每个街区都会有那么一两家充满暖烘烘香气Pâtissier (面包坊)。明亮温暖的光,橱窗里色泽艳丽,形状娇小的各式甜点被摆放的一丝不苟,连甜点表面的糖霜也撒的毫不差池一丝,还未品尝就会有无尽的甜蜜联想。而那些带给少女们甜蜜幻想的大厨,就成为了神奇的魔法师。在法国甚至还拥有一个甜品届的大赛——“甜点世界杯”(World Pastry Cup)。许多热衷于甜品的厨师都在这里大放异彩,其中弗兰克·米歇尔先生就曽摘得这个比赛的桂冠,获得甜品大师的称号。

France is known for its delectable foods, and dessert is no exception. The word “dessert” comes from the French word “desservir”, which means “to clear the table.” The word was first used during the 17th century to describe the offering of sweets (usually fruit or cheese) after the main course. Over time, the custom of eating dessert became more popular. The French developed a multitude of delightful pastries, cakes and confections that are still celebrated today. World Pastry Cup "Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie" was created in France and it is most honorable stage for all master chefs to demonstrate their Savoir-faire. On October 2016, Groupe FLO Asia has appointed Mr. Franck Michel (Champion in 2006) as its Pastry Consultant.


Sweet Flavour in The Air



Cooking in France is almost an art form. The French believe that a meal should be savored rather than simply eaten and this is in fact one distinct difference between French and other cuisines. When it comes to French dessert, Macaron definitely becomes must-eat one.



Souff is a baked egg-based dish which originated in early eighteenth century France. It is made with egg yolks and beaten egg whites combined with various other ingredients and served as a savory main dish or sweetened as a dessert. The word soufflé is the past participle of the French verb souffler which means "to breathe" or "to puff". Even today, soufflés are served by very few restaurants and are the almost-mythical goal of professional and amateur cooks.This April, Groupe FLO will launch a brand new concept focusing on Nostalgic French Cuisine and Soufflé will be one of the highlight in the menu.


French Women Don't Get Fat



There is one famous book, namely French Women Don't Get Fat. It says that they do eat bread and pastry, drink wine, and regularly enjoy three-course meals. French Women encourages just the opposite. Eat. Eat well. Eat slowly. . . They has a charming, sensible, and powerfully life-affirming view of health and eating. The key? Not guilt or deprivation but learning to get the most from the things you most enjoy. Je deprime donc je chocolate. "When I'm down, I eat chocolate." French women think about good things to eat; others typically worry about bad things to eat.


M.O.F & Coupe du monde de la Pâtissier


在甜品当道的法国,甜品大赛自然也是一道亮丽的风景。而福楼的甜品大厨弗兰克·米歇尔先生就是集M.O.F.与Coupe du monde de la Pâtissier于一身的传奇厨师。

Pastry-making is a European tradition that dates back to an era of short crust with a flaky dough. Since then desserts have won everyone's heart and developed the love for sweet. It's the spirit behind spontaneity that interests us, the freedom to break from routine and do something unanticipated just like these beautiful looking delicacies which looks at par than one could ever imagine a dessert to be.


“M.O.F.”的全称是“Meilleur Ouvrier de France”,意思是“法国最佳手艺人”。此奖每四年颁发给包括花艺、木匠、珠宝工艺等250多个领域最顶尖人才,其中“M.O.F.”甜点师的荣誉更是媲美米其林大厨。所有被选中的M.O.F.艺人就成为本领域带领法国走向世界顶尖水准的领头羊,只有M.O.F大师才有资格穿着代表法国荣誉、领口为法国国旗颜色的制服,并且由法国总统亲自授予。而Coupe du Monde de la Patisserie,英文名为World Pastry Cup的“甜点世界杯”,是甜点界的权威赛事。甜点世界杯起源于1989年1月21日,发起人是M.O.F加布里埃尔Gabriel Paillasson。他看到“大厨中的大厨”Paul Bocuse如此成功地组织了在当时已经声名远播的世界厨师大赛(Bocuse d'Or),禁不住也想在甜点上做做文章,专设一项同样高、精、尖水准的比赛,令它成为“西点界的方程式赛车”。

Meilleur Ouvrier de France is a competition takes place every three or four years for more than 250 professions in France including florists, carpenters, butchers, jewelry makers, and of course pastry Chefs. The elected M.O.F. become ambassadors in their fields and take on the duty to share their knowledge and train new craftsmen to become the M.O.F.’s of the future. And The World Pastry Cup (French: Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie) is an international pastry contest taking place every two years in Lyon, France. It was founded on Jannuary 21st 1989 by Gabriel Paillasson. After Paul Bocuse sucessfully actively promotesBocuse d' Or, Gabriel Paillasson felt he should do something to dessert also, so he launched World Pastry Cup for dessert -this Frech speciality. At FLO, Chef Franck Michel is one honored Chef for M.O.F. and World Pastry Champion as well as the 'sweetest' artist.


弗兰克·米歇尔来自法国东部洛林地区,从Mr. Saufroy学院开启了他漫长辉煌的职业生涯。在接受了传统法式甜点制作的训练后,他成为了卢森堡奥布韦斯瑞莱斯甜品国际(Oberweis Relais Dessert International)的首席甜点大厨,并在此工作了8年,进一步打磨自己。并于2004年以最高评分获得甜点界的至高荣誉“M.O.F.”大奖不久,他再一次展露超群的技艺,夺魁2006年甜点世界杯(Coupe du monde de la Pâtissier),获得甜点大师(Master pastry Chef,)的称号。名声大起后弗兰克走遍法国和世界研习甜点的奥秘,并出版了他第一本甜点著作。

Franck Michel originally hails from the Lorraine region of eastern France and began his long and illustrious career in pastry at Mr. Saffory, a highly respected institution. After receiving his training in classical French pastry, he became the Head Pastry Chef at Oberweis Relais Dessert International in Luxembourg and served in that role for nearly 8 years. Later in his career as an instructor and trainer at DGF in 2004, he competed in the “Meilleur Ouvrier de France Pâtissier”, a prestigious pastry competition, and was awarded the top score and championship honours of the Meillieur Ouvrier de France.Soon after he once more distinguished himself as a master pastry Chef, winning the Coupe du monde de la Pâtissier in 2006. His skills as a pastry Chef and instructor have taken him around France and indeed all over the world – culminating in his first published book on pastry.


Franck Michel was appointed as dessert consultant by Group FLO Asia in 2016. This year, he will bring surprises to Maison FLO again from 23rd to 25th March. Come and enjoy French specialty with Maison FLO!


  • 十八周年庆之法式甜点,唇齿留香-word2006

  • 乔山办公网word文档
  • word2006,每个女人心中都有两个巴黎梦,一个在香榭丽舍大街,另一个就在琳琅满目的甜点橱窗前。五彩斑斓的甜点配上法式时尚与浪漫,仿佛置身于埃菲尔铁塔的塔尖儿,随时可以旋转
