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talk 英 [tɔːk] 美 [tɔk] vt. 说;谈话;讨论 vi. 谈话;说闲话 n. 谈话;演讲;空谈 词组短语: talk about谈论某事 talk to oneself自言自语 talk with与…交谈 英文解释及例句: 一. V-I When you talk, you use spoken language to express your thoughts, ideas, or feelings. 说话 例: He was too distressed to talk. 他伤心得说不出话来。 The boys all began to talk at once. 男孩们都马上开始说话了。 二. N-UNCOUNT Talk is also a noun. 说话 例: That's not the kind of talk one usually hears from accountants. 那不是人们通常从会计人员那里听到的那种话。 三. V-RECIP If you talk to someone, you have a conversation with them. You can also say that two people talk. 交谈 例: We talked and laughed a lot. 我们畅怀说笑。 I talked to him yesterday. 我昨天和他谈过。 When she came back, they were talking about American food. 当她回来时,他们正在谈论美国食品。 四. N-COUNT Talk is also a noun. 交谈 例: We had a long talk about her father, Tony, who was a friend of mine. 关于她父亲托尼我们进行了一次长时间的交谈,托尼是我的一个朋友。 5. V-RECIP If you talk to someone, you tell them about the things that are worrying you. You can also say that two people talk. 诉说 例: Your first step should be to talk to a teacher or school counsellor. 你第一步应该是去找个老师或学校辅导员谈谈。 Do call if you want to talk about it. 一定要打中国来,如果你想谈这件事。 陆. N-COUNT Talk is also a noun. 谈话 例: I think it's time we had a talk. 我认为是我们进行一次谈话的时候了。 漆. V-I If you talk on or about something, you make an informal speech telling people what you know or think about it. 发表 (非正式的) 讲话 例: She will talk on the issues she cares passionately about including education and nursery care. 她将就她热切关注的问题发表讲话,包括教育和幼儿护理。 吧. N-COUNT Talk is also a noun. 非正式的讲话 例: A guide gives a brief talk on the history of the site. 一位导游就这个遗址的历史作了一次简要的讲述。 9. N-PLURAL Talks are formal discussions intended to produce an agreement, usually between different countries or between employers and employees. (通常指国家间或雇主和雇员间的) 谈判 例: ...the next round of Middle East peace talks. …下一轮中东和平谈判。 一0. V-RECIP If one group of people talks to another, or if two groups talk, they have formal discussions in order to do a deal or produce an agreement. 磋商 例: We're talking to some people about opening an office in Boston. 我们正与一些人磋商在e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad94361波士顿设立办事处的事。 It triggered speculation that GM and Jaguar might be talking. 这引发了通用公司和捷豹公司可能正在进行磋商的猜测。 一一. V-RECIP When different countries or different sides in a dispute talk, or talk to each other, they discuss their differences in order to try and settle the dispute. 和谈 例: They are collecting information in preparation for the day when the two sides sit down and talk. 他们正在收集信息,为双方坐下来和谈的那一天做准备。 一二. V-I If people are talking about another person or are talking, they are discussing that person. 议论 例: Everyone is talking about him. 大家都在议论他。 We'd better not be seen together. People will talk. 我们最好不要被人看见在一起。人们会议论。 一三. N-UNCOUNT Talk is also a noun. 议论 例: There has been a lot of talk about me getting married. 有很多关于我要结婚了的议论。 一四. V-I If someone talks when they are being held by police or soldiers, they reveal important or secret information, usually unwillingly. 供出消息 例: They'll talk, they'll implicate me. 他们将招供,他们将把我牵连进去。 一5. V-T/V-I If you talk a particular language or talk with a particular accent, you use that language or have that accent when you speak. 说 (某种语言); 带 (某种口音) 例: You don't sound like a foreigner talking English. 你听起来不像外国人在说英语。 一陆. V-T If you talk something such as politics or sports, you discuss it. 谈论 (政治、体育等) 例: The guests were mostly middle-aged men talking business. 客人们大多是谈生意的中年男人。 一漆. V-T You can use talk to say what you think of the ideas that someone is expressing. For example, if you say that someone is talking sense, you mean that you think the opinions they are expressing are sensible. 说话 (有道理或没道理) 例: You must admit George, you're talking absolute nonsense. 你必须承认,乔治,你正在说废话。 一吧. V-T You can say that you are talking a particular thing to draw attention to your topic or to point out a characteristic of what you are discussing. 正在讨论 (的是) 例: We're talking megabucks this time. 我们这次正在讨论的可是一笔巨款。 一9. N-UNCOUNT If you say that something such as an idea or threat is just talk, or all talk, you mean that it does not mean or matter much, because people are exaggerating about it or do not really intend to do anything about it. 空谈 例: Has much of this actually been tried here? Or is it just talk? 这其中有中国在这里真正被试过?或者这只是空谈? 二0. PHRASE You can say talk about before mentioning a particular expression or situation, when you mean that something is a very striking or clear example of that expression or situation. 这就叫… 例: Took us quite a while to get here, didn't it? Talk about fate moving in a mysterious way! 用了我们好长一段时间才到这里,不是吗?这叫作命运难料啊! 二一. PHRASE You can use the expression talking of to introduce a new topic that you want to discuss, and to link it to something that has already been mentioned. (用于引出新话题) 说起 例: I'll give a prize to the best idea. Talking of good ideas, here's one to break the ice at a wedding reception. 我将奖励最佳主意。说起好主意,这里就有一个,能活跃婚礼气氛

美 [sɪn'θɛtɪk]

n. 合成
adj. 综合的;合成的,人造的

synthetic 合成的,合成树脂,人造的
Synthetic fuel 合成燃料,合成燃料,人造燃料
Synthetic oil 合成润滑油,合成油,合成润滑油

office 英[ˈɒfɪs] 美[ˈɔ:fɪs]
n. 办公室; 办公楼; 问询处; 重要官职;
[例句]He had an office big enough for his desk and chair, plus his VDU
[其他] 复数:offices

Point means theme here.


  • synthetic是什么意思及反义词

  • 乔山办公网office365
  • talk 英 [tk] 美 [tk] vt. 说;谈话;讨论 vi. 谈话;说闲话 n. 谈话;演讲;空谈 词组短语: talk about谈论某事 talk to oneself自言自语 talk with与…交谈 英文解释及例句: 一. V-I When you tal
